Easy Summer Hairstyles For Kids!

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This is a paid campaign in collaboration with JOHNSON’S® NO MORE TANGLES® and Latina Bloggers Connect, but all opinions and experiences are my own!

About a month ago I was asked by JOHNSON’S® Baby to be part of their NO MORE TANGLES® Mother & Daughter video campaign. It was truly an honor to be requested for this wonderful initiative, but as a mom who tries to keep her kids’ privacy, I had to give it some thought. I’m sure many moms go through the same concerns with the easy social media access; however, after some thought, I knew this was something we had to do! I mean, who can say no to a partnership with a family brand like JOHNSON’S®, and to spending a fun mommy & me day? Sophie and I love creating fun braids, buns and ponytails because they are the ideal look for this hot season, so this project was a perfect fit for us.


During summer, with the constant exposure to chlorine and salt water, it becomes even more challenging to keep her locks healthy and manageable, and that is why I’ve used the NO MORE TANGLES® 3-step regimen even before this opportunity came along. Sophie’s curly hair needs extra care, so the 2 in 1 Shampoo and Conditioner cleanses while adding an extra boost of moisture; but, is the Leave-In Conditioner the one that takes care of the frizziness, and makes it softer! Now, if I need to fix it on-the-go or it has gotten dried, then I use the Detangling Spray to brush and style, without breaking her delicate strands!


For this video we chose the 2 ponytail twist and she totally loved it! Is quick, easy to do, and looks very polished. To keep Sophie’s hair away from her face when in the water or hot outdoors, I tweaked it a little by making a braid with the remaining part of the hair, and twisting it into a low bun! Now you have 2 options in 1! Now, tell me: what are your favorite summer hairstyles? Remember: It’s Always a Matter of Class Not Cash! ♥Follow Me On Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Bloglovin & Tumblr: HauteFrugalista♥ or Email Me To HauteFrugalista@Gmail.com
Dee Trillo♥

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Hace aproximadamente un mes JOHNSON’S® Baby me invitó a hacer parte de su video campaña NO MORE TANGLES® Peinados Madre e Hija. Fué un honor recibir esta propuesta, aunque la tuve que meditar porque siempre ha tratado de proteger la privacidad de mis hijos y mantener su imagen fuera de las redes sociales. Sin embargo, cómo podría negarme a una campaña con una compañía enfocada en la familia como lo es JOHNSON’S® Baby, y además pasar la oportunidad de disfrutar un día sola con mi princesa.


Durante el verano con la exposición al cloro y sal marina, se vuelve un reto mantener el cabello saludable y manejable, así que vengo usando este régimen JOHNSON’S® NO MORE TANGLES® de 3 pasos desde antes. Su cabello rizado necesita mucho cuidado por lo que el 2 en 1 Champu y Acondicionador es ideal porque limpia y añade más humectación, mientras que el Acondicionador Sin Enjuage acaba con el frizz, y lo deja suave y brillante. Cuando necesito un arreglo rápido o con el cabello seco, entonces uso el Spray Desenredador y así lo puedo peinar sin maltratarlo.


A Sophia y a mí, como podrás darte cuenta, nos encanta la moda y crear trenzas y moños divertidos, así que este proyecto fué perfecto. Para este video escogimos el estilo con dos colitas entrelazadas, el cual es super fácil y rápido de hacer, y queda muy lindo. Para mantener el cabello lejos del rostro cuando están jugando afuera o en el agua, le recojo lo que está suelto de cabello, hago una trenza y lo envuelvo en un moño con un lazito. Así hay 2 opciones en una! Ahora cuéntame: ¿Cuáles son tus peinados favoritos durante el verano? Recuerda: Es Siempre Una Cuestión de Estilo No De Economía! ♥Sígueme en Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Bloglovin & Tumblr: HauteFrugalista♥ or Email me to HauteFrugalista@Gmail.com
Dee Trillo♥


35 thoughts on “Easy Summer Hairstyles For Kids!

  1. I grew up using Johnson’s Baby Products and I still love them up to now. I’m glad that they’re still around because Johnson’s is trusted when it comes to skin and hair products that are baby- and kid-friendly.


  2. Easy Summer Hairstyles For Kids!- I love the 2 ponytail twist. If only I took the time to do something with little bit’s hair -lol


  3. I have always loved these products and used them on all my children! super cute hair styles too!!


  4. Love the hairstyle – that video is adorable! What a cool experience. 🙂 These seem like great products.


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