Haute Feature: Clarins Double Serum Hydric and Lipidic System!

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Clarins its one of the leading beauty and skin care lines in the world. It is very respected because they base their products on intensive research, extraordinary quality and powerful results, and the new Double Serum Complete Age Control Concentrate it’s not the exception. This innovative formula combines Hydric (water-based) and Lipidic (oil-based) components on the same bottle, giving you access to two different type of ingredients in the same skin care system. The serum its a potent one. Does not contain emulsifiers (meaning you get more product for your money), mimics the skin’s dual oil and water nature and the formula it’s easily absorbed.

Clarins Miami

The Double Serum Hydric + Lipidic treatment focuses on reactivating the 5 most vital functions of the skin: Hydration, Nutrition, Oxygenation, Protection and Regeneration. Since I always give 30 days to every new product I try, I will tell you how it was my experience with Clarins Double Serum. My skin was smoother and the effect lasted all day, it looked firmer, felt softer without been greasy, and it had a glow. I felt confident about the inside part because it’s made of high-tech plant extracts and molecules. The inclusion of the Lipidic component truly helps keep the moisture inside the skin while the use of ingredients like macadamia nuts, kiwi, avocado and green tea, help restore the youthful look with a healthy outcome.

Bernadette Bran, educational manager for Clarins, taught me the Face Draining Pressure Points Method, so I could properly apply a serum for maximum results! Here is the video! Does this combo-system sound interesting to you? Do you have any tricks for applying creams? Remember: It’s Always a Matter of Class Not Cash!
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Dee Trillo♥


Hola Mis Amigos!

Clarins es una de las marcas líderes de belleza y cuidado de la piel. Es muy respetada porque sus productos se basan en intensas investigaciones, con una calidad extraordinaria y poderosos resultados, y el nuevo Doble Serum Concentrado Anti-Edad no es la excepción. Esta fórmula innovadora combina componentes Hídricos (con base en agua) y Lípidos (con base aceitosa) en la misma botella, dándote acdeso a 2 distintos tipos de ingredientes en un sólo sistema de belleza. El Serum es muy potente porque no contiene emulsificadores (lo que significa que obtienes más producto por tu dinero), la mezcla de aceite y agua imita fielmente la naturaleza dual de la piel, y se absorbe fácilmente.

Clarins Products

El tratamiento Doble Serum Hídrico y Lípido de Clarins se enfoca en reactivar las 5 funciones más vitales de la piel: Hidratación, Nutrición, Oxigenación, Protección y Regeneración. Siempre doy 30 días a cada producto para poder experimentar los resultados, aqui te digo los de Double Serum de Clarins. Mi piel se sintió más suave y el efecto me duró todo el día, se vé mas firme, más hidratada sin estar grasosa y con mucha luminosidad. Ya que está hecha con moléculas y extractos de plantas muy avanzados, me sentí segura de que iba a tener buenos resultados. La inclusión de elemento lipídico retiene la humectacion dentro de la piel y los ingredientes que tiene (nueces de macadamia, kiwi, aguacate, té verde, etc) restauran la salud y juventud de la piel.

Bernadette Bran, educadora de Clarins, me enseñó el Método de Presión para Drenar la Piel, y de esta manera poder obtener más resultados cuando me aplique el Serum! Te dejo el video! Te suena interesante este sistema combo? Tienes algún truco para aplicarte tus cremas? Recuerda: Es Siempre Una Cuestión de Estilo No De Economía!
♥Sígueme en Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr: HauteFrugalista♥
Disfruta y Comparte!!
Dee Trillo♥



Pics by FabGirlMag with Daniela Ramirez and Rosy Cordero

20 thoughts on “Haute Feature: Clarins Double Serum Hydric and Lipidic System!

  1. Clarins is a great brand but some times a little pricy! However what a good quality! I’ve already tried and really liked it!


  2. Hola Hola! love clarins! their skin care line is amazing! this serum sounds really good, nearly running out of the current one so it makes a good next option, they do some lovely mineralise eyeshadows as well, love the brand, big hugs ❤


  3. Wow! I never knew that’s the way I should be applying my creams! I’ve been doing it wrong then! hehhehe 🙂 I like Clarins. It is a great brand indeed. 🙂


  4. Wow this sounds really cool. Although I’ve never really tried a (skin) serum, this one surely looks beneficial. Haha but I don’t know if it’s even available here! Have a lovely day. 😀


  5. I haven’t heard about Clarins nor tried anything like serum since I only stick to my daily cream since then. But maybe this is something to try 🙂


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